
Healthcare CIO
Emerging Technologies
Last 25 Years
eHealth Business Plan
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Benefits to Investors

The creator(s) of this web-based application will have the inside position to the healthcare providers that use it. The application will provide the investors with intimate details of the physician’s practice, and the opportunity to have the physician look at the investor as the partner that helped them regain control of their practice. After establishing the business, membership will be sold to healthcare providers, as the true value of this plan is to require physician ownership. Interest in this venture can also be sold to pharmaceutical, liability insurance, or medical supply companies that want to closely partner with the doctors.

Benefits to Physicians

A physician wrote a letter to the editor of a healthcare technology magazine. He stated that physicians should not allow companies like Healtheon/WebMD to dictate to them as to what technologies they should use. Rather, physicians should unite and create their own eHealth company that is by physicians for physicians. This is the main benefit to all healthcare providers.

The ultimate benefit comes as the healthcare providers incorporate the best of the new technologies, from fast network and wireless connections, professional practice websites, electronic medical records that can be shared with patients and other physicians, and seamless connectivity with all the participants in the continuum of care. These are patients, individual providers and provider networks, hospitals, labs, pharmacy, insurance payers, employers, and others. The physicians are then ready to form a physician-owned health plan, where they make all of the medical and financial decisions together with their patients. With this they will have obtained complete control of their destiny.


Business Plan

Products and Services
Partnerships, Competition



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